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About Me

Meditation is not my practice, it is who I Am.


I've been meditating my entire life; I was born to meditate.


In early childhood, I focused on understanding holding memory. I became a dreamer, sitting for hours in self-administered disciplines to become peaceful in the world with things unknown, learning to become the dreamer of the dream.


As a young person, I discovered meditation on my own, by my early teens I discovered books teaching meditation forms and began practicing simple breath work and intentional energetic intention. At 16 years, I became frustrated with the noise in my mind and became disciplined mastery over my mind and body and chose to understand emptiness.


During my twenties, I incorporated Chi Kung and Martial Art training to deepen my practice always being recognized by Masters for my practice. Each step in the journey continues to evolve an even greater experience of living in peace and attaining ecstatic currents of love.


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